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People are used to experiencing conflict in their daily lives. When it comes to the workplace, conflict can cause a person to feel frustrated, angry, and even sad. Companies today hire workers from different backgrounds and cultures. Due to these individuals’ varying viewpoints and cultural differences, disagreements can happen in the workplace.

Although conflicts are inevitable, the goal is to manage and effectively resolve them. This can help prevent them from escalating into major issues. Having the proper tools can help people resolve their disagreements. According to professional resume writer and expert in conflict resolution Casper Hansen, establishing a conflict management process is very important for a company as it can help reduce the number of disagreements among its employees. As a business owner, you must take the necessary steps to resolve conflicts in the workplace.

1. Find The Source Of Conflict

One of the first steps in addressing a conflict is identifying its source. This can help you understand how the issue started. It can also help you get both parties to agree on the issues. Having a clear understanding of the issues contributing to the conflict can help you make informed decisions.

2. Talking In A Safe Space 

People often ask why it’s crucial to solve problems peacefully. Having a safe environment facilitates constructive conversation. It also allows you to discuss the issues that are at hand in an unbiased manner. Also, avoid using the office or a location near the two parties. Instead, try setting up a private and safe environment where both parties can talk.

3. Active Listening and Let Everyone Talk

After getting the two parties to meet in a secure location:

  1. Let them discuss their concerns and views on the issue.
  2. Give each party enough time to express their thoughts and feelings without favoring the other.
  3. During the meeting, set ground rules and engage positively and assertively.

Doing this can encourage both parties to articulate their ideas and identify possible solutions.

4. Investigate 

After listening to both parties’ concerns, take the time to investigate the case. Although you may have a limited amount of information about the issue, you still need to come up with a final verdict based on what you have. Instead, dig deeper and gather more details about the situation.

Having a positive and confident conversation with the people involved can help you understand their points and provide your idea of how the issue is off effects. Try summarizing the statements of the two parties. Also, look for other sources of conflict that may not be apparent at the time of the meeting.