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Feedback is an exceptionally powerful tool, one that all organizations can use to develop their employees. This can help them grow and develop their skills, improve communication, and strengthen their bonds with their managers. Unfortunately, many organizations do not provide adequate employee feedback to avoid discomfort.

Here are several ways to give effective feedback to your employees, coworkers, and teammates. It will help you get the results you need.

Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice

According to experts, only a third of people believe feedback is helpful. Sadly, this stems from the fact that, more often than not, it’s unsolicited, which can create a lot of stress for the recipient. If your direct report doesn’t ask for feedback directly, you should reconsider offering it. 

There are mitigating circumstances that may change this, such as work that must be changed for the good of the company (or for safety), but that is another story.

Giving your employees the power to control their feedback schedule can help them feel more comfortable and motivated to act on it. This can help them improve their performance and make their work more effective.

Focus on Behaviors

One of the most effective feedback strategies is to start by stating the behavior in question and then describing how you feel about it. This method allows you to avoid making assumptions and instead focus on the actions. This is preferred over any other way, including a focus on the person. Focusing on the issue makes it feel more like commentary and less like a personal attack.

Be Specific

Feedback should also focus on the specific actions your employee needs to take to improve their performance. This method should help them avoid making assumptions and instead focus on the actions. 

Another tip is not to get stuck on only giving corrective feedback. Managers should encourage employees to continue doing the right thing. In other words, don’t forget to comment on the positive behaviors! This is one of the best ways to encourage them to continue. 

Consider The Other Perspective

Resistance to feedback can be caused by various factors, such as stress and personal issues outside work. When you’re aware of these issues, you can adjust the content and timing of your feedback. However, don’t assume that you know what’s happening.